Thursday, April 23, 2015

The International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence. A Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Event is great opportunity for men to raise awareness in their community about the serious causes, effects and remediation's to men's sexualized violence against women. Though I must admit that I did not do the walk in heels, I did see a lot of men wearing them. This is an awesome event and a great way to expand awareness for such a prevalent topic. 

Art of Social/Global Justice

Recenly in the Pascal Art Gallery, I had the opportunity to view people's own perceptions of how society views the equality that surrounds us every single day. It really opened my eyes to social justice art and I have taken a personal interest in the unknown artist with the tag name Banksy. (See art below)
The art paints an amazing picture that shows a different view of how society is failing.

Rap...What is it Today.

Rap...What does it mean? Today I see rap as nothing more than a justification for "gang banging" and other crimes. 
Rap originally meant Rhythm and Poetry, yet today it has many different meanings but in today's forms as the speaker said...the rhythm is still prevalent yet the Poetry is non-existent. 
I'm scared for what lies further down the road as society as a whole because we evolve socially so quickly its hard to keep up. 


In a group panel discussion this afternoon I was able to sit in on a lecture on Islam-a-phobia and how in some cases here in the United States it is rampant.
I never realized that anyone, especially a nation founded on immigrants, could hate one group of people to such a degree that people who run a smear campaign against another person based on ones religion.
The group panel was made up of comedic Muslims who take their religion to heart and accepted it but while acknowledge that they're people who disapprove of Islam as a whole, these comedians have turned the jokes on the people that slander a group that honestly wants what everyone else here in the United States has...opportunity to succeed.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Review of Soap Box Sisters Lecture

On March 26 during the class period of Sociology we sat in a lecture/ speech presentation of famous women and their famous speeches. The presenters presented speeches from such famous women as Angelina Jolie, Malala Yousafzai, Hilary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and many many more. I must say that going into this event I had a bit of a bias on the grounds that the speeches where going to be Feminist type speeches, and they were, but the way I was looking at them was that all men are bad and not needed and women can rule the world with an iron fist. I'm so very very very glad to say that I was wrong. Though some of the speeches were aimed towards girls and women, over all they where meant to inspire and challenge people to reach where they haven't tried reaching before. Or fight for what you believe in, even if at this point in the journey the support behind you isn't yet that strong.

Over all I came out of the event encouraged that people did actually sit there and listen to these speeches and actually take the lessons with in them to heart.

Friday, April 10, 2015

People coming together for International Pillow Fight Day!

Where even to begin on April 4th! I must say that I had no idea on how many people would be there that day, but it was great. What made it great was with all this new or if you call resurgence in racial tension through out the United States, none of that was present. People of all ages, religions, races...literally anything you could think of that makes this country's demographic so diverse and awesome where there,having fun with one another, beating each other senselessly with pillows and all for just pure fun and joy. I think that's exactly what this country needs more and unity. Today with how everything is turning out the world it is detrimental that we as a nation pull ourselves apart.

A wise president once said..."America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

We must stop fighting WITH each other and realize who we should be fighting FOR,which IS each other.

That is all I can think of about this event. Unity.